Monday, July 11, 2011

Sketchbook Love

How many sketchbooks do you have?  I have probably  10 completely filled sketchbooks.  Some of my sketches are finished drawings and some are complete doodles and random markings (kind of like what you see in the picture above!)  I love looking through my old sketchbooks and seeing how my style has evolved and see what interested me (and still does in some cases) 5 or 6 years ago.  Sketchbooks give you such a behind the scene look at what is going on in the artist's mind.  If you get a chance check out these sites to see some cool sketchbooks:
sketchbook project
design sponge

Meanwhile, here are some more of my sketchbook pages from over the years:

You might notice that almost all of them are done in mixed media.  I love to experiment with lots of media while sketching.  Collage, watercolor, ink and pencil are my favorite combos!  What are your favorite materials to use in your sketchbook or while doodling? 


  1. My sketchbook collection is obnoxious- I can never have enough. ! I always love seeing sneak peak into the artist's brain. love the one of your baby girl :)

  2. I love your sketches! I have 2 lying around but they are more like notebooks I doodle and make notes in. Nothing awesome like yours!

  3. amazing work!!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)