Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Spinach Smoothie...YUM!

Today is HOT here in Ohio.  The weather man said it was going to be 102 degrees today!  Yuck!  So I wanted to share with you my favorite new super healthy way to cool down.

drum roll please.......



The Spinach Smoothie (high protein, low sugar)

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you!  It really says spinach and it is actually super amazing delicious and HEALTHY!  Hooray!

So let me tell you how to make this green concoction.  First of all I got this recipe from my bestie cousin-in law Jeanette who was so kind to share this awesome recipe with me.

So here it is:  How to make a spinach smoothie:

You will need the following ingredients:

-About 1 1/2 handfuls of FRESH spinach ( I have never tried frozen)
-1/2 of a banana (sliced frozen bananas make the smoothie extra cold and amazing)
- A couple of pieces of fresh or canned pineapple.  You can really add as much as you want.  The more you add the SWEETER the smoothie becomes (also more sugar).
-About a 1/2 cup of water
-3/4 cup of plain Greek yogurt (or really any yogurt, Jeanette tried blueberry yogurt and said it was tasty.)
-I also like to add a bit of almond milk to give it an extra creamy taste.  If you do this only add about 1/4 cup or so.

Next you put this all in a blender or in my case, the Magic Bullet.

Blend it all together for about 2-3 minutes (really try and get it all blended and SMOOTH...hence the name Smoothie!)

And then VOILA:

You got yourself a LEAN, MEAN drink that is GREEN.

I have been making these for myself after my morning runs.  It has lots of protein from the greek yogurt, iron from the spinach and potassium from the banana.  It would also be a fun drink for St. Patty's day:)

So hooray for tasty drinks that are healthy for you!  Hope you have a fabulous day!

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