Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Searching for the Muse

Lately I have been searching for "the muse."  In order to do this you must WORK and hopefully the muse will think you are worthy enough to give you some ideas.  This is part of what Steven Pressfield writes in War of Art.   I recently read this book and can't get it out of my mind!

So here are some of my recent little paintings/sketches.

This one is my favorite.  I really like how my leaves turned out!

The little bird on the bottom right is actually a transfer from the top bird. 

P.S. Do you like the teal and white painted rock?  I painted this last summer and I just felt it went with my little paintings.


Here is my earthy "muse".  Coffee!  Oh how I love it so!  It always gives me ideas:)   What is your earthy muse?

Have a lovely day!  I am off to paint some more! Be sure to stop by later!  I will be posting some pictures of Little I's shaving cream paint experience!  So fun:)

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