Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little Bird on a Rock

Literally this bird is on a rock!  Hello!  I hope everything is going well with you!  I have actually been able to post more on this blog because my school district keeps getting two hour delays which is very amazing!  Today we have one because of fog.  Unusual for January in Ohio, usually delays are for snow!

Anyways, I am soooo excited for warm, sunny weather.  I get like this every year about this time, completely obsessed with spring and summer!  When it gets warm I am also able to go to my parents cottage on Lake Erie.  There is a ferry service that runs from March until November so I am not able to go to the cottage until the end of March!  So sad!

 I have posted numerous posts about my "island life" if you would like to check them out.  One thing about being on Lake Erie is that the beaches are not made of sand, they are for the most part made of perfectly rounded stones.  I have found these stones to be  amazing for painting on!  When I was a little girl I have many fond memories of painting on these stones.  This usually consisted of writing my name, making the stones look like ladybugs, etc.  As an adult I find these stones to be perfect little canvases for paintings of birds, frogs and dragonflies.  I  adore painting on these and also love giving them as gifts!  They make great little  paperweights and truly brighten any work space.

So here is my shameless plug.....this little bird is actually in my etsy store.  I painted him recently after joyously discovering I had brought this stone home from the island.  It was sitting in my drawer of my art desk just waiting to be painted!  If you would like to give him a new home check him out here.  I would also like to know any other suggestions for my future island stone paintings....I am a bit partial to birds but would LOVE any other suggestions.  I need to get out of my comfort zone!

Well I hope you have a wonderful day, I am off to make another cup of coffee and wait for Little I to get up (which should be very soon now!)  Have a great day:)

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