Friday, January 25, 2013

New Painting! French Cafe Love

Here is my latest painting!  I really like the look of using a stencil to create text within the painting.  I created these stencils by printing out text from Openoffice (basically like Microsoft word) and then used an xacto blade to cut out the letters.  It gives it kind of a vintage feel I think.

This painting was inspired by my absolute love of coffee, outdoor cafes, flowers and anything French!  There is a 1950's National Geographic French map collaged into the background.

I haven't been able to do as many paintings as I have wanted to do but I think it is a start to at least have one finished!  Most of the artwork I have to work on is for my classes that I teach.  So it is actually an incredible feat that this painting was finished!

So here it is:

 I hope you are having a great Friday!  The husband and I are going to a conference in Indianapolis tomorrow for the Husband's work.  Little I is staying with my in-laws this weekend so the husband and I were actually able to watch a movie tonight!  We watched Pitch Perfect and I thought it was very cute and made me wish I could sing. 

What are your plans for this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I love your new painting and the stencil is a wonderful touch!


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