Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hand Drawing Assignment

Just thought I would post some of the projects completed by my Drawing class. What I love about teaching art is seeing the different approaches my students take to each assignment.

Project: Draw your hands, or a partner's hands five times. Two hands must overlap in your drawing. Use any media you would like and be as creative as you want!

These are just a sampling...some students are still finishing their drawings.


  1. To Ms. Michelle

    I myself was ( yes, was ) a painter in the days when I was suffering from the painting fever. I liked the manner in which you created the art articles.

    Now a day I write short stories. If you are interested in reading short stories and other writings by an Indian author, do visit my blogs.

    Naval Langa

  2. Those drawings are so beautiful! I love what each of them thought up. Very cool assignment

  3. Great assignment. I remember teaching my girls how to draw a hand.


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