Friday, October 3, 2008

New Look!

I have decided to give my blog a makeover...sometimes we just need a little change. It was just one of those days! I hope everyone had a wonderful week! I am so glad it is the weekend! I am just going to kick back and relax tonight. Fridays are my absolute favorite because you have the whole weekend ahead of you!

I am planning on working on many collages this weekend, I need to get some art done for myself! Here is a collage that I am currently working on. It needs some more layers of paint but here is the basic design of the collage.


  1. It looks great Michelle.I have changed mine a bit today.I tried a new template from pyzam and I couldnt do it.*LOL* A computer whiz Im not.Im new at this Im a nurse.LOL

  2. It looks really great! I love your beautiful collages!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)