Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Brave Little Soul

This past week a friend of mine suffered a terrible loss and it really made me put life into perspective and why things happen. Tragedies bring people together in a way and make you appreciate what you have and often make you realize the important things in life. Here is a short story/poem that brought us some comfort this past week. If you know anyone suffering from such a horrible loss please pass this story on, to me it made a senseless tragedy a little more bearable. The Brave Little Soul

1 comment:

  1. You know its so very true about tragedies,they bring people together even more so than before.When my husband died 6 years ago now.I couldnt believe the people,they were just soo very nice.He died very young of esophageal cancer so needless to say that in itself was a tragedy to him as well as family and friends.But you would be amazed how that has made me stronger and the girls as well.You would be surprised how faith can bring you through something as this.~~becky


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