Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trip to the Park

Yesterday the husband and I went to a nearby park. The weather was absolutely beautiful and all of the leaves had pretty much turned color! I took a billion pictures much to the husband's dismay! The coolest part of the park trip was when we found half of a tree that looked like it was floating! So crazy! So of course we had to take pictures of ourselves next to it holding a magic wand (broken branch)! Hope you were able to get out and enjoy nature this weekend, it will be snowing here for us very soon! Gotta love living in the snowbelt:)


  1. Nice to have a magic touch. That tree is very funny, as in odd! Wonder how it manages that trick?
    The coloured leaves are nice.
    Greetings from New Zealand.

  2. great pictures!! I want to rake my leaves in my yard and jump in them!!

  3. Beautiful leaves! And tag, you're it!


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