Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Here are some things I saw this morning:

A pretty little glass vase on my window sill

A shelf in my kitchen with a little white bird and cup. I love anything white!

A small blue dish...I just love this pattern...

Summer sun coming in through my upstairs window

My new cute sandals...I think I might just wear them today!

I think it is important to appreciate the little things around us that make us happy! What have you seen today?


  1. i love your things, especially the glass vase. i found four of my mother's aprons in a messy draw. i'm thrilled!

  2. You are absolutely right Michelle. We have to appreciate all the little things we take for granted. I love white too! :)

  3. Lovely pictures!! Just love the bowl!! That is an awesome pattern.

  4. What a sweet thought! We really do need to look are daily appreciate those momnets and things that we have that make us smile! Love the spic of the sunshine and your stairs!

  5. I love that little white bird.... so cute! ;)

  6. michelle, everything is so pretty and I love your sketches and painting from your previous post! Hawaii must have really been inspiring too!
    every morning I get too see the morning sun streaming through the woods across the street!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)