Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Musings

(beautiful vase in my studio that inspires me...vase was a gift from my art penpal!)

I just love summer vacation...I can sleep in and leisurely sit around and drink my coffee while I blog away! I am almost done with my summer classes so I have been painting away in my little studio. Here are some new paintings I am working on:

This painting is not finished but I wanted to post my progress. I am trying a new style where I paint an abstract background and more realistic birds. It kind of makes it more surreal..what do you think?

Up close:

Here is another little painting I am working on, the bird has not been collaged on yet:

I recently came across this vintage 1950's map of the United States:

I just love the colors and have already started collaging it onto some small canvases and a large canvas. I will post my results as I progress!

Lately I have been really inspired by anything vintage or that looks vintage. Here is a box that I keep in my studio that constantly inspires me (oh and of course it is French! I am such a Francophile)

I think today I will paint the Eiffel tower into some of my artworks....we shall see:)


  1. Awww! Those birds are fantastic. Isn't it funny when it comes to summer and good weather- how you just want to be in your studio. Beautiful work.

  2. I am so in love with the bird painting! So lovely!


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