Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In the studio...

I have been working on a new artwork in my little studio.  Above are fragments from the new artwork.  I want the colors in this piece to be really soft and airy looking.  It will be more of a spring scene because I am already dreaming of warmer weather!

Right now when I look out my window all I see is white and blue because of all of this snow!  It is very pretty but I am already hoping the winter is a short one and spring comes quickly!

Speaking of white...

In my studio I always have my little white bird nearby.  My own little white  still life:)  He gives me inspiration and is a kind of a good luck charm.  Is there anything you keep nearby for inspiration as you work?

Isn't he cute?

Well I am off to continue working on my latest artwork.  I am on my second cup of coffee and I have the music playing (I am listening to the Phoenix channel on pandora, my favorite channel!) It is time to work!

1 comment:

  1. I always love your trees and it makes me think of early spring. :)

    Your good luck charm is simply adorable. I have a few unfinished birds hanging around my studio and I always think they bring me a little bit of luck


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)