Sunday, January 10, 2010

Storybook Forest

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  The weekends seem to fly by don't they?  The Husband and I took it easy this weekend and read, drew and watched the 6th season of Entourage.  I just love that show:)  It is such a guy show but I still find it kind of interesting!

Just wanted to post my newest artwork in my etsy shop!  It is an artwork I have worked on for awhile and just decided I could part with it.  It is one of my favorites but if someone else likes it enough I might be willing to part with it:)

The artwork is called Storybook Forest. It is made from hand-painted papers that were cut and collaged onto a hand-painted background.  I named it Storybook Forest because it reminded me of an imaginary forest that could be found in a child's book of fairy tales.  I am planning on doing a series of scenes from my little Storybook Forest, so stay tuned!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


  1. Hi Michelle. Your new painting is lovely! I look forward to seeing the next ones in the series. And thank YOU for visiting my blog!

  2. this is so pretty! i love all the colors together. <3

  3. it's beautiful. i can see why you've hung on to it!


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