Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rainy Friday= Productive work day

Hello!  I have been on spring break for the past week (sadly it ends Monday!) and have been truly lucky with the weather for the most part.  All last week it was in the high 70's and low 80's!  However, I did not get anything done art-wise because ALL I wanted to do was sit in the sun and read!  Yesterday was not such a pretty day though.   Thankfully I was actually able to get some painting done!  Here is one painting that I think I almost finished:

I still need to work on the fruit and bench a little more but it is almost there (I think!)

And here is another painting I did in the style of Andre Derain.  He is an amazing French painter who used color much like Matisse.  I am currently obsessed with his art right now!  Here is my interpretation of  his Blue Oak painting (which I can't find a picture of online for some reason!)

So I was actually happy that it was kind of gross out yesterday so that I could focus and get some painting done!  I forgot how therapeutic painting is for me:) Well the sun is shining out right now so I am off to go running but I have a feeling that the painting bug is here to stay and I might do some more painting today!  Have a lovely Saturday!


  1. It's funny how a little doom and gloom, can give you some inspiration :) Those French painters.. Something so romantic and elegant about Derains work :)

  2. Very nice work! I actually love being in my studio when it's sunny because I love painting with the natural sun streaming in...I'm so much more productive! Glad you enjoyed your break!

  3. Very nicely done--the picnic looks ready to enjoy! :)


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