Sunday, June 6, 2010

Return to blogging!

Well...I am back!  I took a couple month hiatus from blogging because I honestly got sick of going on my computer!  I needed some time to just read, be outside and finish up school.  Has anyone gotten so sick of their computer and the thought of being online?  I just needed a break but now I feel more refreshed!  So here is some new art that I just finished!  I am on a lemon kick I think.  I just love how fresh lemons are (they smell amazing also!)  I can't stop drinking lemonade lately and just love the look of lemons in a bowl as a centerpiece.  So here are some lemon-inspired artworks:

And here is a painting inspired by just the idea of being able to eat and drink outside!  I just adore summer:)

I call this painting "Tea Alfresco"  Yay for outdoor tea (or coffee) parties!

Well all of this talk about outside is making me want to actually GO outside:)  I will leave you with two things.  1)  This lovely inspiration page I found in my "inspiration" file box. It is from Midwest Living magazing (2/2010) and the colors are just so fresh and summer-like.  I hope it inspires you as much as me:)

2)  I will leave you with this lovely song


  1. Welcome back :) I missed reading your blogs. Lemons are like a little piece of sunshine. Any good books from your computer vacation?

  2. I love that last painting!

    Lemons are pretty much my favorite fruit.. they make everything taste so bright

  3. Gorgeous and wonderful new artwork, Michelle! Glad you are back!

  4. welcome back! i know what you mean about needing a break from the screen!
    lovely new work :)

  5. welcome back to you and your paintings!


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