Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mini Break to Lake Michigan

Hello!  I have returned from my weekend getaway!  I hope everyone had a lovely weekend:)  Here are some pictures from my mini break:
 I was first greeted by a lounging mermaid who lives at my aunt's cottage.
 My aunt has the most charming cottage, her interior decorating style inspires me so much!

We had a lovely meal on Friday at my aunt's.  Look at the beachy table setting!  I just love it!  For dinner we had chicken with mango salsa, vegetable terrain, potatoes and yummy farmer's market salad with fresh arugula, tomatoes and yellow beets:)  Heaven!

Here is where those lovely pink hydrangeas came from that were part of our table setting.

We also went to the beach Friday evening and all day Saturday

Heart rock found at the beach (good omen!)

Fun times at the beach!  The water was chilly but it was so hot it felt awesome!  

A wonderful THANK YOU goes out to my lovely aunts who let me hang out with them this weekend:)

1 comment:

  1. Your aunt's style inspires me too!!
    I wish I could be at the beach for the weekend! Looks refreshing


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