Friday, July 2, 2010

Working in the studio...

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day to be working in my summer studio! 

Here are some of the mini paintings I worked on:

I also picked some lavender from my garden....I am in LOVE with lavender!  So fragrant! 
Well I am off to start my weekend, have a HAPPY 4th of July! 


  1. Beautiful sunny studio! I love your paintings Michelle, they are so colorful and fresh!

  2. I've been following your blog for awhile. I'm a friend of C. Beth's Blog and that's how I came acquainted with yours. Anyway, I love your art work and photos. You have a beautiful eye and spirit, evidenced in the grace-filled art you create. Thank you for the sharing. Stop by and visit my blog anytime. It's


  3. your studio looks as wonderful as your paintings and i agree about the lavender!


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