Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School

Do you like my wall of faces?  This is from my classroom at school.  I have these horrible steel doors in the back of my room and decided decorating it with crazy, fun art portraits would be a nice way to cover up the blandness of the doors. (Do you notice the little red face in the bottom right?  This is from my red cup drawings from last year.  One kid didn't want to draw so this is what was turned in to me...oh my...)

Yesterday was the first day I went back to my classroom all summer.  It felt like I had never left!  Oh summer how I miss you already!  I got some work done but still need to do a ton!  One of my main projects is to make my bulletin boards look fun and cool.  I think I am going to buy some colorful wrapping paper and tissue paper to dress my boards up a bit.  With all of the budget cuts my school is facing, they seemed to have gotten rid of the large rolls of paper I used to use for my bulletin boards:(

I will be sure to post my fun and cool new bulletin board ideas on Monday:)  If you have any ideas I would love to hear them!

Have a great Saturday:)


  1. Those are some amazing drawings...what a great way to cheer up a space.

  2. Back to school! Time to get your office ready! I was in charge of decorating the bulletin board in the library when I was in HS. I used old newspaper and magazines instead of regular paper.


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