Thursday, August 19, 2010


Today I am going crazy organizing my closet, my desk, school stuff, etc!  It is wearing me out!  I finally went through my closet and figured out what pants, skirts and dresses will no longer fit me since being depressing!  There is a small amount of clothes that will still of course I must go shopping! Most of my shirts are pretty flowy and loose so I at least have a bunch of tops to wear once school starts.  Today I had a doctor's appointment and I got on the scale and almost gasped!  Wow..this baby girl is growing!  Everything else was fine at the doctor's which was awesome because I tend to be a worrier!

Anyways here is my semi-organized desk space....I have this overwhelming desire to throw away anything that I have not used in awhile.  Maybe I am nesting already?!

Mr. Jack Henry stayed by my side as I organized and cleaned. 

I don't know how he feels about getting his picture taken..he looks a little wary of the camera!

Well I am off to relax after a day of organizing!  Tomorrow I am going to my classroom for the first time all summer!  I must mentally prepare myself on going back:)  My new W magazine came so I am going to lose myself in some fall fashion!

Have a great day!


  1. Shopping! Love it!

    Mr. Jack Henry is going to make an excellent nanny. I think Jack and baby should have a matching outfit. :)

  2. I love the idea of Jack and baby wearing matching outfits! Jack likes to run naked though so that might be hard to do!


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