Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blue, Green and Yellow Tree

Newest artwork in my etsy store!  

So how are you today?  I am pretty good.  Just a little stressed out because school starts a WEEK from today!  Ahhh!  I really don't mind teaching, I actually love it at times!  I am just not looking forward to waking up at 5 am!  Oh well, at least I have a job where I get to help kids make art all day!  That reminds me, I need to work on my classroom blog.  I have been such a slacker all summer!  Well, I am off to get some work done for school!  Have a lovely day:)


  1. I can't believe it's already back to school. I love to this day still browsing for school supplies. :)

    PS Any baby names yet?

  2. I love getting new school supplies to! I hate the back to school commercials though...they fill me with a sense of dread because that means summer is over!

    As for names we really have not decided yet! We like really traditional names though...I keep looking through baby name sites looking for the perfect name...such a big decision!

  3. The baby name is such a commitment.. the name makes the person. My parents chose Erika because it sounded wholesome.. I always wanted an unusual fun name.. that no one had. :) Good Luck!

  4. oh i love ur artwork and am going to your etsy store now!


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