Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nursery Artwork

Right now I am working on some artwork for the nursery.  I am going to stick with light purple, light yellow, white and green.  I don't have much progress done but I am hoping to work on it this week.  I will post the finished results!

We got our crib bedding from Land of Nod and we just love it!  Her room is pretty simple so far but I am sure we will find more things to fill it up!

Hope you had a great weekend!  It went so fast didn't it?  The husband and I just relaxed and went out to dinner and grilled out.  It was beautiful weather in Ohio and I can't believe that in 3 months it will be almost December!  I can't even think of snow right now!
Jack Henry also had a great weekend.  He hung out with us and sometimes I found him looking very pensive.

I wonder what he was thinking about?!


  1. Jack Henry is so handsome! I think he thinking he is thinking about how handsome he is :) and how he would love a t-r-e-a-t.

    Love the art! I think your nursery has a very airy and spring vibe- which I love.. very welcoming.

    Does baby like the candy corn?

  2. Thanks so much Erika! Yes, baby LOVES the candy corn and every other type of candy for that matter!

  3. oh jack henry, why so serious :)? it's so special that you can make all these lovely art pieces for your special delivery!

  4. Looks like you've got a nice white canvas to create whatever you want- I can't wait to see what you end up with.

    Your dog is adorable...


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