Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well I have been neglecting this blog haven't I?  It always seems to happen at the beginning of the school year!  I have been very busy with my classes and have been feeling incredibly exhausted!  The little girl has been sucking the life out of me I guess!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying the changing of the seasons.  I am so excited for fall...I just love cooler temperatures, honeycrisp apples (I bought some already!) and pumpkin spice lattes!  YUM!

I just wanted to stop in and say hello and that I have not disappeared off of the face of this earth!  I will be posting more soon, I just need to get myself organized! 

I will leave you with this wonderful, oldie but goodie song that I have loved for years.  I just found my Mazzy Star cd and was so excited to hear Fade Into You again!  Makes me think of my high school years:)

Well I am off to do some school work, talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hello!

    The start of the school year always a busy time. :)

    Mazzy Star an oldie but a goodie!


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