Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunflowers And Copper Sky

Good morning!  I just wanted to share with you a new artwork I just put into my etsy store:

I am getting quite excited for fall.  I love summer but fall just seems like the beginning of a whole new year.  I can't wait to buy pumpkin scented candles and eat candy corn!  I have already started listening to some of my "fall" music such as David Gray, Damien Rice and Colin Hay.  Do you have certain songs you listen to that make you think of a particular season?  What is your fall music?

Well I am off to go running...I have not ran in 2 days and am starting to feel like a slacker.  It just has been soooooo muggy here in Ohio.  Yuck.  Bring on the cool Fall weather!  Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I love your artwork - I'm going to check out your shop now!
    I can't wait to eat candy corn too - I love the ones made with honey.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)