Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fall Tree Artwork

Here is my latest artwork that I will be placing in my etsy store (hopefully) tomorrow.

I mentioned before how much I love fall and today when I went to the grocery store I saw candy corn out already!  I almost bought some but I decided to wait until September or October.  I probably did not need all of that sugar anyways:)

I hope you had a great day today.  I was working in my summer studio like was so much fun:)  I lose track of time so easily out there.   I put my ipod on shuffle and just paint and collage away! 

One new project I am working on is a mixed media artwork.  Here is a sneak peak of it:

I just love this quote and am going to let it show through in my artwork.   When I decide where I am going with this artwork I will post more pictures.  Right now I just have the background.

Well I am off to go and relax with the husband.  We have a busy weekend ahead of us so tonight is our night to chill out:)  Have a great day!


  1. Sounds like you have great time enjoying your summer! It sounds so much fun to work while listening to music! I usually do that alone in my room at night, drawing, listening to music, sipping hot chocolate (well it is winter in Melbourne).. ah.. life XD

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Very cool! I can't wait for Fall to get here :)

  3. your days sound and look wonderful. enjoy some more this weekend and love your new photo!


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