Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Fun

  My grandma had her 90th birthday party this weekend.  It was a blast!  My cousin Kate took this picture and I just think it completely captures the moment.

Hope you had a fun and exciting weekend!  The husband and I  just got back to Cleveland this evening to find almost all of the nursery furniture we had ordered had arrived!  He spent most of the evening putting the crib and bookshelf together.  It looks great!  Tomorrow our bedding and changing table are supposed to come.  When we get it all together I will post some photos:)

1 comment:

  1. AWW your grandma looks fantastic.

    You are so lucky your husband puts all the furniture together for you. My husband can barely hold a screwdriver. (not the cocktail)

    :) I can't wait to see the baby room.


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