Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rainbow Tree

Hello! Here is my latest artwork that I am working on!   It is called Rainbow Tree (because of all of the colorful leaves!) I still have to paint the sides and apply a gloss varnish and then it will be in my etsy store:)  School starts in about a week for me so I am trying to get as much done art-wise as possible.  Once school starts I am swamped!

I hope you have some lovely plans for today!  My family is having a huge celebration for my Grandma's 90th birthday!  My whole family will be in town!  I am so excited to see everyone:)  Well I am off to start my day!  Have a good one!


  1. That is so pretty- going to check out your store- I love smaller artworks and I'm so glad you posted in the forums!
    (freshurbanvintage on etsy)

  2. 90th birthday :) Have fun! I think it's birthday season.


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