Monday, September 13, 2010

Grisaille or Grissaille painting

Hello!  Hope everyone had a lovely weekend:)  I had a wonderful relaxed one with the husband!  I just wanted to pop in and show you a little grisaille painting I am working on.  Grisaille or Grissaille...I have seen it spelled both ways!  A grisaille is basically a value underpainting that can be glazed over with color.  I love this technique and am currently having my painting classes do this for their first "real" project this year.  So here is the beginning of my grisaille:

Once I finish it I will post the end results:)  I am so excited to glaze color over it though!


  1. What a neat technique! The word sounds fancy! Love it!

  2. I have never used this approach and am excited that you are letting us in on the process. Your art room photo posts are so wonderful too. Hope you will have a great year. So glad to have discovered your the colors and mixed media with vivid brushwork.

  3. Hi Michelle,

    This painting is wonderful! very beautiful! Thanks very much for sharing it and also the technique.
    Take care! Gloria


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