Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Weekend

Two Pumpkins reminds me of a perfect fall day:)  

Did you have a good weekend so far?  I did for the most part except it was so rainy and cold here in Cleveland.  The husband and I did some cleaning and organizing and I worked on a new painting and some ideas for a new artwork.  I also ran on my treadmill for the first time since April.  Yuck!  I love running outside a million times better than the treadmill!  It was so rainy and cold though that I had no choice:(  

Anyways, I am off to work out and possibly work on some Christmas card ideas...yes, Christmas already!  I am hoping to have some cards in my etsy shop by November.  Here are some of my cards from last year that I will be offering again:

 Well have a great Sunday!  I will leave you with this relaxing song that I am currently listening to by Colin Hay.  Yes, he is the lead singer from Men at Work!  I just love his mellow voice though...perfect for a rainy Sunday morning.  Have a good one:)



  1. Love the Christmas Cards-Can you believe it almost Christmas!

    Lovely paintings! Sounds like you have been so busy.

    PS I hate the treadmill too!

  2. I really love your artwork, Michelle!
    It was pretty nasty here in Norfolk this weekend, too. Hope the weather gets better so you can run outside, hah.


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