Saturday, October 2, 2010

Grisaille Update

Hello!  Hope you are enjoying the weekend already!  I just love Saturdays! I got to sleep in until almost 8 today!  I am enjoying this now because I know when our little lady arrives I will not get to enjoy sleep as much:) 

So, how are you?  Things with me are pretty busy especially with school.  I am having a pretty good year so far and have the best students!  I just posted some of their artwork on my classroom blog, PHS ARTROOM if you would like to check it out.

A couple of weeks ago (yes it has been that long!)  I posted about a technique called grisaille.  The technique involves in creating a complete black and white value underpainting and then glazing color on top.  Here is my painting that I started with color added to it now.  It is not done by any means but i wanted to show you how the value underpainting really comes through underneath the applications of color. 
Here are the two paintings:
                                                  Before:  Black and White Underpainting

After:  With Acrylic Color On Top
I still need to add a ton to this painting but I sometimes like to leave it looking unfinished when i show my students so they can kind of get an idea of my process.
Anyways!  Hope you have a lovely October weekend!  The husband and I are going out to buy some wonderful fall-inspired decorations today.  I am all about mums, pumpkins and decorative squash and berries.  So excited to pretend to be Martha Stewart today:)  Have a great day!


  1. I love early fall and halloween. Are you going to carve pumpkins? :)

  2. gorgeous work! i remember touching on bak in my school days... ahhhh it was one of my favourite ways to paint :)

    Moonangelnay Handmade Blog


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