Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite New Art Toys

Did I mention that I have been interested in papercutting?  I bought myself some essential new art toys to use for cutting paper better:  A self-healing mat and new x-acto blades for precise cuts!

The self-healing mat is amazing!  A recommend one for anyone who uses an x-acto knife!

I have been playing around with my new toys and here is a project that I am currently working on:
Nothing is glued down yet...I am still trying to figure out where I want to place my designs.  I am in LOVE right now with the combination of white and Paynes gray.   It is so winter-like:) 

Well I am off to paint some more white paper (sounds kind of weird but yes even my white paper is painted!)  I am trying to get everything done soon because I have a feeling the little one MIGHT make an appearance this weekend...fingers crossed!

Have a lovely day:)


  1. Oh my gosh! I love this! I see a new series of cut paper art on the horizon for 2011 for you!

  2. I have a self healing mat and it's a muse for those who know and don't know how to use an xacto!

    I like the explorative feel with design, but you always have a fresh feeling about your work.

  3. Hello Michelle,
    Your paper cut art is really unique. I see children's book illustrations and printed cards. Love it!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)