Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trying to Fit Art Back In My Life...

 The one thing I really have missed since having my daughter has been being able to work on my artwork...I really took the time I used to have for granted.  My little Isla is one month old (wow time has flown!)  She pretty much likes to eat, sleep and have me change her diapers.  The only thing is that when she sleeps she usually likes to sleep on me:)  I LOVE this, however it makes doing other things kind of hard if you know what I mean:)
Today my husband had the brilliant idea to put her in her car seat when she was sleeping because she actually LOVES to sleep in there.  Very strange daughter I have!  So I was actually able to take her into my studio and get some work done.  It was marvelous and lasted about an hour...better than nothing!

Here is a little tour of my studio:
My crazy messy work area and most important item: my mug of green tea!  Normally this would be coffee but I am trying to watch my caffeine intake especially with nursing Isla.

I even did a quick sketch about my tea...I didn't get finished though! 

Here are some of my finished artworks that can be found in my etsy shop.

And finally here is my latest artwork that I am currently working on:

There is still so much to work on but I am hoping to get some more time this week!

I hope everyone is doing well and I am going to try a lot harder to blog more!  I will write more soon:)



  1. Welcome back! When I was a baby- my mom would put me in the car seat also! funny :)

  2. Hi Michelle, Yes, welcome back and congratulations! Glad to know all is well. Good for you for finding even an hour to get a little work done. Off to visit your flickr site now. Thanks for your recent visit and comments. My very best wishes....Gloria

  3. great to see you back michelle! Love your new work!

  4. Yay! Welcome back!! Loved the new work!

  5. you'll work it out and i've heard of people putting their babies in the car seat or the stroller. whatever works and if they're happy, you'll be happy.


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