Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 Minute Sketch: Favorite Nail Polish

Here is my 10 minute sketch...actually it took a little longer because I used acrylic paint and had to wait for some areas to dry...but it was still fairly quick!  This is a sketch of my favorite nail polish called " Pedal to the Metal" by Sally Hansen.  You can see it on my nails in the picture!  It is a silvery/purple color and I love it so much!  The sketch was completed with a mixture of black pen, watercolor pencils and acrylic paint.  I love working in mixed media:)
So what is in store for you this Saturday?  Today the husband watched the baby while I was able to run on the treadmill for the very first time in 2 months!  I am starting to feel more like myself again:)  I can't wait until it is warm outside again so I can run outside (one of my FAVORITE things to do!)  Hope you are keeping warm wherever you are...this morning it said it was 2 degrees outside!  YUCK!
Have a fantastic Saturday!


  1. Awesome getting back in the swing of things. Love the nail color.. very rock star of you :)


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