Friday, January 21, 2011

Salt Shaker 10 minute Sketch and New Art

Here is my 10 Minute Sketch for the day....a salt shaker.  I used a blue ball point pen and some illustration markers (that smelled very strongly like chemicals by the way...must be careful using them around baby girl!)
I also finished the artwork " Water Bird" which I will be posting in my etsy shop today.  It is actually sunny here in Ohio so I took advantage of the natural light by photographing my artwork.  

Have a lovely Friday!


  1. That salt shaker would be perfect for any kitchen. I am so glad you are back in your studio. :) Pretty soon you will be painting with your little girl.

  2. Thanks for visiting :) I know what you mean about finding time for art...everyone always seems to need Mom :) But it's still the best job in the world. Congrats on the birth of your daughter too...enjoy every moment!

  3. Your artwork is wonderful! Salt Shaker is so fun and lively. I love your style on Water Bird's very serene.


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