Friday, February 18, 2011

Coffee Talk: My Cleveland Cottage

Hello!  Happy Friday:)  Hope you have had a lovely week.  I just wanted to invite you to have a cup of coffee with me in my kitchen.

Here, I made you a latte!

I only wish that I had some sweet treats to share!  I can't seem to keep any in the house longer than a couple of days!  Anything with chocolate is a huge weakness for me!

So tell me about your weekend plans.  The husband and I are trying to get our house ready to sell so we have some major organizing ahead of us.  I am such a pack rat and keep anything with even a trace of being sentimental.  Hopefully I can part with some of my belongings in order to contribute to the organization process!

I really am going to  miss our Cleveland cottage.  It is such a cute little place that fits the husband, little "I" and myself perfectly.  We have lived here for almost 5 years and probably will not find anything like it again.  

On the plus side we are moving back to our hometown where our family lives.  So excited!  Family is so important!

Well I hope you have a LOVELY weekend relaxing and enjoying your time off.  


  1. Michelle,
    Your cottage is sooo pretty! I am drinking my coffee right now along with you. Such a sweet post. Best to you in selling your special place. I wish I could buy it! :)

  2. :) I would love a coffee. Where is your home town? Portland? lol

    Have a super weekend!

  3. your cottage is so pretty and i'm sure you will make your next place even better. enjoy your weekend!

  4. Michelle, your cottage is lovely! Best of luck with the sale and the move back home. I am such a pack rat too! We've moved a few times but usually I just bring everything along :)


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