Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Music

Good morning!  At least it is morning as I write this.  Right now I am drinking my second cup of coffee.  It is delicious.  Coffee is my absolute favorite!  It is so warm, wakes me up and tastes excellent with chocolate!  Too bad I have already finished off all of my dark chocolate supply or else I might be having chocolate for breakfast (again!)

Today it is going to be 62 degrees here in Ohio!  I am soooo excited!  I am planning on running outside as soon as the husband gets up and can watch little "I.". One song that I constantly play on my ipod as I run that puts me in the best of moods is "What I Wouldn't Do" by  A Fine Frenzy.   It is just the happiest song ever!  Give it a listen and see how your mood lifts!  What songs make you happy whenever you hear them?

Well I hope you have a fantastic day!  I am off to get the husband up!

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