Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sketchbook Sparker: Draw from a Magazine

If you are ever stuck for ideas on what to draw, try this brainstorming technique: 

1. At least 1 magazine with LOTS of pictures ( Old Domino magazines, Elle Decor, Lucky, Smithsonian, Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart are some of my favs)
2. A sketchbook or pieces of paper
3. A pen (I like a black ball point pen)
4. Colored pencils, markers, watercolors, ink, etc.

Next complete these easy steps:
1.   Flip through the magazine.
2.  As you flip through, look for ANY images, fonts, colors that appeal to you.
3.  Using your pen begin to draw them on your sketchbook page.  Remember you are brainstorming so it doesn't matter how amazing your drawings are.  
4.  Begin to form a composition with your drawings.  You can do this by making the images interact, overlap, combining, etc.  There are no rules!  You will be amazed by what ideas come to you:)
5.  When you have filled your sketchbook page,  begin to add color or shade with your pen.
6.  When you are finished you will find that you have created a very interesting sketch!
7.  You can extend this idea by creating an artwork such as a finished painting or drawing from a section of your sketch.

Here is my magazine sketch from February's Good Housekeeping Magazine:

I used a black pen, watercolor colored pencils and chart pak markers.

Sometimes I just don't know what to draw and I find that images from magazines can be helpful:)  I hope this inspires you if you ever hit a creative block!

Well have a lovely day!  It was 50 here today in Ohio!  Yay!  It was so sunny and beautiful and really made me happy! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a great tutorial- it really makes you be really creative. :)

    We got about 10 minutes of snow this morning and we might get a little tomorrow! woohoo


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