Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cleaning Day!

Hello!  I hope your weekend is going well so far:)  The husband's parents are in town helping us get our house ready for showing (we have officially listed our house....scary but exciting!)  Anyone could call at any moment to come and see it!  So our house must look amazing!  We spent Friday night playing with Little "I" (she giggles now!) and basically just hanging out and staying warm and dry.  Today is "Cleaning Day" here at our household.  Sounds like a great time right?!

Well I do not have any new art to post...all of my art stuff is pretty much packed up until I go back to work next week.  So sad to take a break from it but we can't have any clutter anywhere!

Well I hope you have a wonderful Saturday.  I will leave you with this lovely song covered by Sondre Lerche.  The husband is currently learning  to play it to Little "I" on his ukulele.  She LOVES to hear him sing and play to her!  I wish I was musical but alas I just am not:)

Wish us luck on the cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. She is so darling! and looks like such a sweet baby :) I love that little pink bow.

    Cleaning day.. yuck.. monday is my day for cleaning!


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