Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have posted this quote before...but I just love it so I am posting again:)

My life is significantly changing.  I am hoping for the good.  The husband and I are moving back to our hometown which is VERY exciting and fun but stressful.  I actually teach in our hometown and have an amazing job that I love.   Since the birth of Little "I" we knew that we would have to change our living situation.   With Little "I" around we decided to be back near our family and closer to where I work.  So.....we are putting our house up for sale in this horrible market and I am going to give being a working mom a shot. 

 The point of me telling you all about my crazy life is that as human beings we are a lot stronger than we think we are.  Everyone has obstacles and craziness that they have to work through.  Some of our obstacles are not as big as others but all in all we have things to work through.  I just came across this article (click here to view it) that talks about how we don't give ourselves enough credit when we do something well.  We are quick to compliment others but never ourselves.  It also talks about failures as being feedback.   I thought this quote by Thomas A. Edison was fantastic:  " I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."  

I think this quote is something we can apply to ourselves in everyday situations.  Whether it is art, our jobs, parenting, etc.  I have been kind of a quote junkie lately if you haven't noticed.  I think when we go through stressful situations it is helpful to have some words of advice that kind of guide us and make us feel better:)

Ok...thank you for listening to me be all deep and stuff...I am not usually like this!  

So enough about me!  I hope your week is going well!  What are you up to this evening?  I can't wait to watch the Middle and Modern Family tonight!  Wednesday is a good t.v. night for me:)  

I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!


  1. Michelle, I have a special request.. I would love to see some more baby pictures :)

    I think as I have gotten older and hopefully wiser.. I often think and hope to realize when my life is changing.. like the moments.. or one chapter ending and another beginning.

    Also I think you are going to be a terrific working mom, my mother is a working mom and I realized young how important it is to work hard to get things out of life. :)

  2. i don't always do this, but if we can accept inevitable change it allows us the opportunity to release our need to control it resulting in a sense of relief. it sounds like you're doing all these things for the right reasons, so they will likely work out ok and better than you imagined. i love the quote and know you're doing great. enjoy your weekend!


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