Sunday, June 24, 2012

Island Life


Today the husband, Little I and I went to my parents' cottage.

We took a ferry over.  It was beautiful!

With lots of cool clouds!

My husband and Dad went sailing.  I don't sail...yet.  I am planning on learning this summer.  My husband LOVES it!  Sadly there wasn't much wind out today so they didn't go too far!

Today is also the husband and my 6 year wedding anniversary!  Wow!  My mom was nice enough to let the husband and I go out to dinner (to the ONE restaurant on the island!).

Little I was kind of sad to see us go...

Before we hit the restaurant we went to a special place to look for beach glass.

Here are some of our treasures! ( Except for the pink one...that was a special find by my brother and his girlfriend.  I just thought it would look pretty in the picture!)

After a wonderful dinner we came home to watch the sunset

It was a lovely anniversary!

I hope you had a great day.  Summer is soooo wonderful isn't it?  We are on the island until Tuesday so I will be enjoying it here as much as possible!

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