Saturday, June 23, 2012

Painting Without a Paint Brush VIDEO!

Hello!  Happy Saturday!  I hope you are having a lovely day so far.  It is sunny and beautiful out here in Ohio so I will probably be hitting the pool with Little I for a little swim action.  Today we went running (Little I LOVES to hang out in her running stroller!) and in between laps at the park we played at the playground for awhile. 

I just wanted to quickly post a link to a NEW video I created.  It was for one of my master's classes but I wanted to share it with you also!  Click here to watch a video called "Painting Without A Paintbrush."  It is actually a painting project I do with my advanced painters at the beginning of the school year to help them think outside of the box in terms of using painting tools.

Well I am off to enjoy this beautiful day! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the video!! It blew my mind how that all came together! Amazing job


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