Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happiness List

Lovely things that make me happy:

1. This song

2. These pictures:


What makes you happy?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dandelion Days

I long for days when dandelions grow.... ( I can't believe I am saying this!)

Sunny, yellow and warm days!  I hope spring comes soon!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Coffee Break

It is time for a coffee break! I am going to make myself a hazelnut soy latte.
A biscotti would be rather tasty also don't you think?

Coffee Break 2

Saturday, January 16, 2010


One of my dearest friends just gave me an adorable calendar filled with inspiring quotes.  This quote in particular caught my eye.  I just love the colors and the quote is so inspirational.

 I am going to frame and hang it in my studio or classroom (still deciding!) Lovely inspiration and fantastic typography don't you think?!  I'm a little obsessed with fonts and lettering lately if you haven't noticed?!   What quote inspires you?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting creative...

pencils, originally uploaded by kershlock.

These pencils make me want to draw something and be creative! Off to work in my sketchbook:)

Words as Art

I just love this idea that was posted on the blog Mustard and Sage.   Meghan,  (who seems like such a cool gal!) created this painting by creating stencils of the lyrics to her  and her husband's favorite song by Neutral Milk Hotel.  She then painted over the stencils.   What a meaningful artwork!

Another way to try this would be to stamp out the lyrics with pre-bought stamps.
Check out this tutorial on poppytalk for specific instructions!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In the studio...

I have been working on a new artwork in my little studio.  Above are fragments from the new artwork.  I want the colors in this piece to be really soft and airy looking.  It will be more of a spring scene because I am already dreaming of warmer weather!

Right now when I look out my window all I see is white and blue because of all of this snow!  It is very pretty but I am already hoping the winter is a short one and spring comes quickly!

Speaking of white...

In my studio I always have my little white bird nearby.  My own little white  still life:)  He gives me inspiration and is a kind of a good luck charm.  Is there anything you keep nearby for inspiration as you work?

Isn't he cute?

Well I am off to continue working on my latest artwork.  I am on my second cup of coffee and I have the music playing (I am listening to the Phoenix channel on pandora, my favorite channel!) It is time to work!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Storybook Forest

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  The weekends seem to fly by don't they?  The Husband and I took it easy this weekend and read, drew and watched the 6th season of Entourage.  I just love that show:)  It is such a guy show but I still find it kind of interesting!

Just wanted to post my newest artwork in my etsy shop!  It is an artwork I have worked on for awhile and just decided I could part with it.  It is one of my favorites but if someone else likes it enough I might be willing to part with it:)

The artwork is called Storybook Forest. It is made from hand-painted papers that were cut and collaged onto a hand-painted background.  I named it Storybook Forest because it reminded me of an imaginary forest that could be found in a child's book of fairy tales.  I am planning on doing a series of scenes from my little Storybook Forest, so stay tuned!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Colorful Stairs

24 translations / GATHE, originally uploaded by FrizzText.

I would LOVE to have these stairs in my neighborhood! How fantastic!

Mercedes Helnwein

Mercedes Helnweinaccomplice_II_lglilysuperlative-conspiracy1_smselfportrait_ribbon-1

Check out Mercedes Helnwein, an amazing figure and portrait artist.  She is based in L.A. and her artwork is incredibly realistic and yet stylized at the same time.  I am in love with her work!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I is for Island

Isn't this print adorable?  It is designed by Paul Thurlby, a graphic designer from London.  He has designed the whole alphabet in such a whimsy and fun way!

Check out some of my favorites:

Pretty clever ideas, don't ya think?

Typography Portraits

I am always perusing the internet looking for cool ideas for projects to do in my high school art classes.  Recently I came across this site on typography portraits.  Such a cool and innovative way to do a portrait! Check it out if you get a chance!

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Items on my desk....

Here are some items that were on my cluttered desk tonight.  I am really trying to do something creative every day  (New Year's Resolution!) and so I decided to do a little still life drawing.  Of course the paper I used was a little larger than my scanner so some of my drawings are cut off...next time I will use smaller paper:)

Hope your day was wonderful...will post more drawings soon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keepin' Warm!

Here in Ohio it is quite cold!  All I can do is sip on some coffee or peach green tea:)  Hope you are staying toasty warm wherever you may be!

The song  title Antarctica by the The Weepies reminds me of Ohio in the wintertime...brrrrrr!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Amazing Letters

I was perusing one of my favorite blogs, Sfgirlbybay, when I came across this post on typography.  I am in love with lettering and instantly fell in love with Jessica Hische's Daily Drop Cap.  So amazing and so talented!  Enjoy!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ordinary to EXTRAordinary

Happy Saturday! Hope everyone has had a pretty restful New Year weekend!  I know for me it is going to be pretty hard getting up very early Monday morning for work.  I have been sleeping in until 8:30 every morning (it feels so good to do this!)  To get myself back into the work mode I recently updated my school blog with some of my student's artwork.  If you get a chance please check it out here.

I have the best students this year and am so proud of them:) It has been kind of hard to update both this blog and the school blog- but I am trying!

Have a lovely Saturday!

Friday, January 1, 2010