Thursday, January 20, 2011

Books that Inspire

Just wanted to quickly post about 2 amazing books I just purchased through Amazon.  I bought these because I felt like I needed some more inspiration in my life and these books totally did the trick! 

The first book I bought is Print and Pattern by Bowie Style.  Bowie Style has a sweet blog as well called..of course...Print and Pattern.  I am obsessed with patterns right now and find them so inspiring!  This book is FILLED with tons of pattern ideas and awesome color combinations. 

The second book I got is called Drawing Lab for Mixed- Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun by Carla Sonheim.  There are some amazing ideas in here for people of all ages.  As a high school art teacher I am totally going to use some of these ideas!  I have been neglecting my drawings recently because I have not had time to make them as "perfect" as I want them to be.  This book is more about being creative and really coming up with interesting and innovative drawing ideas...not about making something look totally realistic.  It is SO what I need right now!

So if you get a chance check out these books and the authors' blogs, it will totally inspire you! 

Also I have decided to start my 10 minute sketches again.  I am hoping to stick with it a little better this time...I stopped last time as soon as I started my masters class...blah...I will do better this time I promise!  I really miss creating and find that I am not as happy when I don't do you know what I mean?!

So here is my NEW sketchbook that will hold my 10 minute is pretty small..perfect for this type of project!
Look at all of these blank pages!
I have started doing some doodles in here inspired by the Print and Pattern Book!
 Can't wait to add more color with some watercolors and watercolor pencils:)

Well here is my 10 minute sketch for today:  

It is of my sneaker!  I used a black ball point pen and my watercolor pencils.  For all of my 10 minute sketches I am allowed to use any medium BESIDES a pencil!  If you would like to play along and do the 10 minute sketch everyday with me let me know and I would LOVE to check yours out!  Just let me know in the comments section:)
Well I am off to get ready for the day!  Have a lovely one:)


  1. I am a book girl too- I have a couple coming in the mail. :) Isn't amazon addicting?

    The journal looks amazing- I can see lots of creativity happening.

  2. Obsessed with Amazon! I could spend hours on there reading all of the reviews on art books...I want to buy them all!

  3. I love getting a new sketchbook! Have fun filling it with inspiring drawings.


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